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The Bean Bandits Life and Times of Land Speed Racing

  The Bean Bandits Today

By Moldy Marvin    P  3


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The current record for this class is 146.1 mph.  Julio and Brad have tried all season to get the record and came within less than 1/2 of 1 mile on November 17th 2002 at 145.662 mph. It was really a heart breaker but there is always next year. 



Brad helpin' Julio on with his gear.

Cars are normally towed or pushed into the line up. Ophelia had the opportunity to be The Bean Bandits tow at the last meet.

Land Speed cars are geared so high that they need to be pushed approx 30 - 40 mph;  the momentum is used to take over the gears.


Here's a bunch of fotos that ya can click on ta check out

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Bean Bandit Mike Shundo with the long hair keepin' the sun off of Julio while gets his final inspection.

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The Wind kickin' up while Eric and Russ Eyers check the valves.

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Brad waits his turn 



Brad and Julio would like to thank the folks listed above for all of their support.


Go To The Next Page To Meet More Bean Bandits 

This Page Last Up-dated 11/19/02    Page 9









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